Engine Air Filter in Hollis & Biddeford, ME

Jason's Auto Shop

Car engines need a constant supply of both fuel and air to work in their best condition. As air flows through the engine via an air filter, it ensures all dust particles, dirt, leaves, and other contaminants are blocked from entering your vehicle’s engine.

This build-up of contaminants on the filter can cause it to become extremely dirty, and as time passes, the filter will become clogged. Clogged air filters block a smooth flow of air into the engine and can cause it to stop operating properly.

Why take the risk when you can get replaced engine air filters at a highly affordable price at Jason’s Auto Service?

Signs That Your Vehicle Needs New Engine Air Filter

Your car’s air filter does exactly what its name suggests: filtering out any contaminants, including dust and other dirt particles, before the air reaches your engine. Then, the air is drawn into your engine so it can burn fuel and power up your vehicle.

Without the presence of an air filter, your engine’s performance would be compromised as it would be exposed to numerous contaminants. These contaminants would get hot and burn, resulting in ash that can clog your engine and stop it from working.

Here are some signs that you need new engine air filters for your automobile.

  • Dirty and discolored filter
  • Strange sounds from the engine
  • Poor engine performance
  • Check Engine light appearing
  • Decreased Fuel economy
  • Black smoke from the car exhaust
Jason's Auto Shop

Benefits of Replaced Engine Air Filters with Jason’s Auto Service

Getting your engine air filters replaced isn’t just something to consider; it should be a part of your vehicle’s regular preventative maintenance measures. There are numerous benefits of getting the air filters replaced from Jason’s Auto Service:

  • Increased fuel efficiency
  • Improved car acceleration
  • Reduced emissions from the exhaust system
  • Prolonged engine lifeĀ 
  • Ensures optimal engine performance
  • Reduced changes in engine breakdown
  • Prevents the risk of engine overheating

Lastly, one of the biggest advantages of getting the filters replaced timely is the cost. Filter replacements are some of the cheapest and simplest ways to ensure optimal upkeep of your car’s engine. So, nobody really has an excuse to drive around with a dirty engine air filter!

When you opt for the trusted mechanics at Jason’s Auto Service, you can rest assured that all components of your vehicle’s engine will be closely inspected. While changing the vehicle’s oil, our team checks the air filters as well to see if they need to be replaced.

What are you waiting for? Stop by Jason’s Auto Service today for a quick air filter change to ensure that your vehicle can keep breathing well!

Contact Us

Looking for a full-service car repair center to replace your engine air filters? Reach out to Jason’s Auto Service today for advanced services and repairs carried out by expert mechanics!